Actors who died after starring in horror movies

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3 years ago
Topics: Cinema, Facts

Experience has shown that sometimes actors in horror movies die shortly after the release of their film.

A horror film because a lot of strange happenings that occur during or after production of the film (such as surgery, injury and death) are well known. Sometimes these films are addressed by "demon-possessed" people, but still the directors do not give up filmmaking in this genre and many cinematographers are very interested in watching such films. Here are 6 actors who lost their lives after starring in a horror movie.

Poltergeist evil spirits

Undoubtedly, the original movie "poltergeist" is one of the scariest movies of its time. In fact, people believed that the movie and the actors were demons. This film is about many real deaths that may be true. The first was the death of Dominic Don, who played the teenage daughter of a haunted family. In 1982, the same year the film was released, she was hanged and killed by his ex in her backyard.


"Exorcist" is another horror film that can win an award for the scariest film. The movie has been associated with many strange things like fire. During the film's release, a lightning strike strikes the 400-year-old cross of a church around the hall. The filmmakers even hired a priest. nine actors of the film died after the release, one of whom was Jack McGuran.

The Twilight Zone

Twilight Zone was a black and white horror series. According to statistics, the filmmakers decide to carry out an explosion under the helicopter, which of course kills three people. One of them was Vic Moro, who was supposed to save two children from a war zone in the movie, but lost his head in a falling helicopter.

The Curse of the Evil Spirits Poltergeist is back

Heather Oruk starred in the film and died at the age of 12, just before the release of her latest trilogy, of cardiac arrest and infectious shock due to a misdiagnosis.

Another case of evil Poltergeist ghosts

The Evil Preacher in "poltergeist 2" still creates nightmares for moviegoers. The role was played by Julian Beck and he died in the post-production stage. Of course, he had stomach cancer a few years before he starred in the film, and his lifeless, bony face in the film was due to the disease.

Exorcist again

Vasilik Maliaros, who played the priest's mother in The Exorcist, died nine days after McGuran's death. Of course, he was 89 years old and the cause of his death was announced as old age.


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3 years ago
Topics: Cinema, Facts
