Just wanted to remind us that you are not alone in world. You are made for a purpose. Never allow bad thoughts to cross through your mind. You are not a mistake.
You are made for a reason you are not a mistake, you are not God's after thought.You are not in this world by chance or coincidence, nothing in your life is arbitrary.
You are the focus of God's love and most valuable of all His creations.
God loves you more than anyone. When you face trials, rejoice and be glad because all trials will soon be overcome.
Never relent, never be weak, buckle up your shoes and start working because laziness gives more room for trials. Be fervent, be sensitive, be vigilant and be watchful.
Your own problem is little compared to other people's problem. Never be weigh down or tied down to stagnacy. You have a better future ahead of you, you just need to endure with patient alittle more.
Be industrious and be contented. Never allow limitations. You are made for a Purpose.
Well, I am a mistake my father told me and my mother made that clear for many years.
I am alone, beside of my children and the wolves but I do not feel lonesome which makes the difference.
Alone is not a bad thing, lonesome is a nasty feeling which man eat you.